The Easy Way to the Lead

With the help of our online calculator, suppliers of PV systems or battery storage devices can automatically generate leads of prospective buyers on their own home or landing page.

Users interested in purchasing can use the solar or battery calculator to quickly create an estimated design of their planned system. The result is a concrete product recommendation based on the design assumptions you have specified.

Following registration, for example by name and email address, the user receives information on yield, profitability, and costs, or an indicative offer. It is possible to consider any financing model such as purchase, lease, or credit.

The contact data of the user and the data collected during the design process are recorded and made available for future sales processes.

Demo Videos

Battery Storage Design for Hycube

Solar Calculator for Sunfarming

Solar Calculator for Energis

Flexible Team Player

Our lead generators can be adapted to your individual needs at minimum effort.

IT Infrastructure

Thanks to the server/client architecture with API, the frontend can be integrated into any CMS. We only use HTML and Javascript.

The API can be easily accessed from any number of different websites (e.g. different landing pages).

Frontend Design

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

PV and/or Battery Storage

You have the choice between online calculators for the design and yield calculation of grid-connected PV systems or for battery storage. Both variants can also be combined.


All calculations are performed in the frontend. Only the specific irradiation data is calculated on the server side and queried via the API. Any calculations can be made on the basis of existing data: Lease models, economic efficiency, degree of self-sufficiency, share of self consumption, CO2 savings are just a few typical examples.

The consumption profiles used in the calculations are realistic and are based, among other things, on research by the HTW Berlin. You can adjust all important variables and default values yourself at any time through a backend.

Product Recommendations

Based on the calculated results, concrete products are offered either as packages or freely configured.

Product data can be transferred directly from your ERP system via an individual interface or created in the backend.

Result Presentation

The results of the design and further calculations can be supplemented graphically with bar and pie charts (also as dynamic live diagrams).

On request, an indicative offer can also be created and made available as a PDF, for example.

Data Exchange

The lead data obtained (including the calculated results) can either be transmitted by email, or a direct connection to your CRM system can be established via an individually adapted interface.

No contract data processing is necessary, as personal data is only stored in your system and can only be viewed there.

The Success Models

Even though the user interface can be configured entirely freely and individually, two typical implementation variants have prevailed so far – a quick design that requires minimal user input and a detailed design via our Google Maps module.

Both variants can also be combined to form a two-stage model. This represents a perfect compromise between fast results with minimal interaction and detailed planning.

Quick Design

The user simply states his electricity consumption and electricity price as well as his postal code and receives a product recommendation based on this data and a given orientation/roof inclination, including a profitability calculation.

Detailed Design

The user enters electricity consumption/household size, electricity price, and address, and chooses a consumption profile.

The user then selects the relevant roof area and the lower edge of the roof in our Google Maps module. In addition to the size and area, the orientation of the roof is also determined.

If desired, the module allocation can be indicated and modified. This means that individual modules can be removed or added.

References Software Tools